Civics and the Proper Role of Government

Myth 1: Traditionally, Americans have opted for small government, focusing the public sector only on absolute necessities, and privatizing most societal functions.

Myth 2: The subject known as “civics” has been removed from our high schools in order to make young people unaware of the proper (small) role of government.

Truth: Shown at left is a page taken from a civics textbook just after the close of the Second World War.  Notice how it jibes with the major theme of both parties’ platforms of that time, through the Eisenhower administration, right up until Reagan came along in 1980 and turned all this on its head.

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One comment on “Civics and the Proper Role of Government
  1. Scott McKie says:

    But the thing about Ronald Raygun (pun intended) – was that few people k now of his history a s a second rate actor / and “bought” mouthpiece while in the Actor’s Guild I think it was .
    Any way – if you check – you will find that “Ronny” was a peson that would take any position that paid him — sound familiar?

    His early history is just like is later history — hand out and leg up.
    The California Republican Party shaped him – and kept him in line allof the time he was Governor of California.
    It would not be a surprise to find that they had a hand in a lot of what happened when he was in the White House – with the “Shining City on the Hill crap — as long as they owned the hill.