ExxonMobil Tests Their Techno-Ruse “Direct Air Capture”

In a previous post, I presented this short and extremely general video, in which a representative of ExxonMobil explains Direct Air Capture (DAC), a set of technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

I mentioned that the concept is doomed to failure, and everyone, including Exxon, knows this.

Their latest installment in promoting this bull**** claims they’re “testing the design in Texas.”

What could these tests possibly conclude?  That the design actually does filter out CO2?  I’ll grant that, even without the testing.  In fact, there are several teams of people around the globe working on this. Only Exxon is spending a fortune promoting it, though, since they are the ones with the huge PR problem associated with baking the planet.

The problem here, and it’s insurmountable, is that this technology has a huge carbon footprint of its own, and that scaling it to deal with the Earth’s atmosphere is a joke.


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