Investing in “Space Tourism”

A reader offers this:
Why are visionaries like  Tony Robbins investing in space tourism?
Simple: the space tourism industry is projected to capture a significant share of the $2.25 trillion luxury travel market.
With unprecedented growth and major players like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic leading the way…
If you’re not invested in these companies, you’re missing out. But how do you ensure you’re invested in the *right* ventures at the *right* stage?
That’s where InterFlight Global comes in.  We give accredited investors access to exclusive, off-market opportunities in aerospace and space tourism, poised for explosive growth. 
Two Comments:
1) My answer to the opening question: Why are visionaries like  Tony Robbins investing in space tourism? What they’re interested in is your money. I very much doubt that investors will ever see a dime in return.
2) The idea of space tourism, further contributing to the demise of our home planet, is obscene.
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