News for the Severely Mentally Infirmed

Here’s a video by a supposed “expert in U.S. military intelligence” who did, perhaps, fight in Afghanistan and appear on Tucker Carlson’s show.  He claims that there is ironclad evidence that Russia and China are planning an imminent EMP (electric magnetic pulse) attack on the United States which will immediately render our country devoid of power, and thus cold, starving, and looted by armed gangs.  Of course, as with the case of all shocking claims of this is sort, it’s something “the government is hiding from us.”

I have a couple of suspicions:

He says he’s a friend of Donald Trump.  So Trump is hiding this horrible truth from us?  OK, Trump is one of the most terrible people this country has ever encountered, but really?

What does he suggest that the U.S. would do if it came under this type of attack from a conspiracy between Russia and China and “90% of Americans were (actually) losing their lives to heat-stroke, frostbite, starvation, disease via failure of refrigeration and hospitals, etc.?  Send over some diplomats with fancy leather briefcases?

I happen to know people personally who have told me (and these are not military secrets), that, under a circumstance like this, that if we are not able to knock these attack missiles out of the sky, we will dump everything we have on the attacking country(ies), eradicating them within a few minutes from the surface of the Earth.

Whom to believe?  This fool, supposed friend of Trump and Carlson, or your own common sense?

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