The Political Right Vs. Left

No offence to the author of the meme, but your “experience” has nothing to do with the issue at hand.  The subject matter here is true by definition.

Conservatives want small government, low taxes, and the dominance of the white race, because all this enables them to retain as much of their wealth as possible.  Since they have no interest in anyone or anything else, this really says nothing more about the right and left than one could find in a dictionary.

I’m reminded of what the late multibillionaire Charles Koch said in an interview when asked about taxation and what he thought was fair.  His reply: “I get to keep my money.”

Of course.  What a thoughtful and useful response.   You benefit from your country’s infrastructure, law enforcement and justice system, disease control, military defense apparatus, air traffic control, and 40+ other governmental systems that all increase your level of health, safety, and convenience, but “you get to keep your money?”

You apparently have failed to notice that you live in a society, one that requires you to think beyond your own greed and selfishness.