Gun Laws

Here’s a discussion between two people from my boyhood, whom I won’t identify by name, and whose comments I did not edit.
Old acquaintance 1: Guns, aren’t the problem, cars, alcohol, drugs, kill way many more people. Let’s talk the truth here it’s people that are the problem. How they are brought up , their mentality what they’re saying on the TV which in many cases is nothing but hatred you can call it like it is and this is the fact.
Old acquaintance 2If an individual goes crazy, wants to hurt someone and has a rock, he might hurt someone badly. If he has a gun, people will die. Yes the problem is people, let’s not allow them the weapons to deal with their sick solution.
The discussion makes me wonder how people in France or Japan or Croatia frame this discussion.  I’m thinking that perhaps we in the U.S. have too many (barely literate) people like old acquaintance #1 to be able to deal with our problems intelligently, and that perhaps we’re doomed to remain stuck in neutral when it comes to issues like public safety.
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