Socialism in America

As suggested here, a disappointingly large percentage of Americans fail to understand that each U.S. citizen receives a huge array of benefits from our federal and state governments (see list below).

This confusion gives rise to the false notion that the “radical left” is rapidly turning the country into Venezuela, or whatever the popular malarkey may be.  I wish Trump supporters could hear how ignorant they seem when garbage like this comes out of their mouths.

Infrastructure (roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, etc.), police, fire fighting, criminal justice, national defense, public education, labor laws, auto and food safety standards, air traffic control, TSA, libraries, emergency medical care, environmental regulation, social security, Medicare, the National Archives, national parks, bank regulations and deposit insurance, copyright and patent laws, federal dams to provide electrical power, flood control, the Weather Service, the Federal Housing Authority, consulates and embassies, FEMA, veterans affairs, public water systems, monitoring of all international cargo, NASA, border protection, and the National Institutes of Health.


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