What Does Team Trump Plan to Do About All the Money It Owes?

It’s very difficult to feel sympathy or those who get stung my Donald Trump and his well recognized habit of stiffing vendors.

Imagine that you’re the mayor of Minneapolis, MN and the Trump team wants you to open up a facility at which the former president can rally his base.

My response would be, “Of course.  You owe us $530K plus interest, and, for obviously reasons, we’ll want a 100% deposit for the next event.

“You might want to consider, however, that Trump is reviled here.  The reason he lost Minnesota by a whopping 7.1% in 2020 is that this isn’t Alabama or Oklahoma; it’s a state of well educated fair-minded people.  Why don’t you just send us the $530K? and forget about going forward?  I’ll waive the interest, and you can take your business somewhere a bit more receptive to Trump’s message of hatred and ignorance.”


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