Trump Running from the Law

As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich puts it, “Remember, Trump is not running for president as much as he’s running from the law.”

It;s impossible to list all the terrible consequences of a second term for Donald Trump, but one is the end of any hope that he’ll be held accountable for his attempts to overthrow the U.S. federal government.

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One comment on “Trump Running from the Law
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Something that every retired US Military Officer and enlisted man and woman should remember about this up-coming election.

    This country was founded – only after Americans fought a very bloody war for our freedom.

    These retired individuals have to be reminded: they are no longer in the Military.
    They are now civilians.
    The “Code of Silence” that great military officers like retired 4 star General Jim Mattingly is using – literally speaking – no longer applies.

    If former officers and enlisted man and women don’t engage in the fight for this Country’s Freedom against Trump and his Nazis– they are as bad as he / they are.
    If they do not come to the aid of their Country – and they stand quietly aside – just like the German Generals did when Hitler took over:– they are no better than those German generals.

    They need to be asked to decide — do you fight – or are you going to hide behind a Code — that has no place in civilian life.
    And I’m a US Navy Vietnam Vet.

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