Lies about Electric Transportation

It’s impossible to know who or what is behind the constant flow of disinformation on electric transportation, e.g., the graphic at left.  Big Oil?  QAnon?  Other right-wing, anti-environmentalist groups?

In any case, I have a friend who’s been telling me since we were teenagers 50 years ago, that EVs only move the source of the emissions from the vehicle to the power plant.  Of course, he also told me, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”  Yes, he’s given to those types of slogans one encounters on Fox News and the like.

In truth, the phasing out of fossil fuels in our energy and transportation sectors is a boon to our environment, and our efforts to mitigate climate change in particular.  This has been shown in hundreds of peer-reviewed studies spanning several decades. Here’s a piece from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency debunking myths on the subject.

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