Many Americans Are as Stressed as the Author of the Meme Below
While I care deeply about my country I understand that a) a plurality of voters elected Trump, a man they knew to be a pathological liar, and b) my vote doesn’t count any more than that of some hateful moron. This is what these people wanted, and it’s what they got.
Here’s another way to look at it. There are 206 sovereign nations on this planet, of which the United States is only one. Now of course, some people believe that the U.S. is clearly the best one, and that God blesses us over all others, but, speaking of morons, that is the thinking of the true idiot.
America is obviously going into a swoon. Will it recover? We all hope so.
But there are no guarantees. As historians have consistently pointed out, once a democracy is lost via a military attack, or, far more commonly, as in this case, via moral decay from within, it very seldom recovers.
I’m far more emotionally involved with the fate of humankind and the other life forms on this planet than I am of a country that elected Donald Trump not once, but twice. The man is systematically removing everything that ever may have existed that is noble or honorable about this nation, while his countrymen stand and applaud.
The United States of America was successfully founded: because the US Military at the time – fought the troop of King George — and handed the new Country to the People of the US – as the Military was – and is part of the United States of America. – not the Nazis that afe endeavoring to take it over – from within.
To the present US Military Leadership – you are betraying your oath, taken by every person joining the US Military -to protect the US Citizenship and their Constitution – from harm from without and within: – which is now the case.
You have not – until now – allowed yourselves to be used against the citizens of your own Country – as you are now allowing.
You joined the US Military, just like the rest of us – to serve the United States of America – not some totally corrupt old Nazi – who is endeavoring to turn the Country into another Russia- just under his rule.
It does not matter whether the harm comes from “without or within”. With the security YOU are affording Trump and his “now in the open” Nazi Party, both voter and Politician alike — they would be nothing -and have nowhere to hide.
Do what you took your oath to the Country to do: — Protect the United States of America and it’s Constitution from it’s now “out-in-the-open” Trump Nazi Party -including the six Judas Iscariote Supreme Court judges – who were part of orchestrating this “Coup from Within”.
Honor your sworn oath. Pull your security from the Trump Nazis – making sure that the NAzis are removed – just like George Washington did — and then do what George WAshington also did: give the Country to those of us that conscientiously voted to sustain it – not destroy it.
This situation is no different that at the beginning of this Country.
Honor your oath – to the Country – not to the Dictator presently in place.