Energy Conference in The Netherlands Uses The Term "Breakthrough" In a BIG Way

One of my colleagues is speaking at the Breakthrough Energy Conference in The Netherlands in a couple of weeks.  When I spoke with him earlier today, I asked him what “breakthrough energy” means in this context, thinking that it must be similar to how I use the term, i.e., something that greatly improves the effectiveness and/or lowers the cost of clean energy, electric transportation, energy efficiency solutions, etc.  I use the term “breakthrough” here, even though these technologies are all totally proven; the advancements, though significant, are incremental.

The conference, however, is about some really far out things – concepts that appear, to me at least, to have little relationship to science.  Ever hear of Searl?  Check this out.

I have a suggestion for any conference-goers interested in Searl or some of the other similar concepts.  Don’t talk about it; demonstrate it.   Show the world, once and for all, that the first and second laws of thermodynamics have been somehow thrown out the window. Show us that some guy has developed a “free energy” “over unity” solution. As a reminder, I don’t want to hear it; I want to see it (as my daughter and I often say).  Beholding the end of physics as I know it would be more than worth a trip to The Netherlands; as pictured here, I’d row a kayak over there to see it.



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One comment on “Energy Conference in The Netherlands Uses The Term "Breakthrough" In a BIG Way
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    It seems strange that if the Searl’s approach works, we have not seen even a working prototype. It would be even stranger if it worked. One would think that a professor would not be inclined to claim to have circumvented to laws of physics.