Lighting in New Haitian Hospital Is 100% LED
I attend frequent fund-raisers for U2U, a fantastic humanitarian group run by close friends Jez and Lynzi Blacker. I was lucky enough to have their son Joel (pictured here with his mom) on a boys 14-and-under soccer team I coached six years ago, and we’ve been hanging out together ever since.
U2U’s current focus is Haiti – in particular, building a 40-bed hospital from the ground up on a densely populated island where health care is currently almost completely nonexistent. They just returned from a three-week trip with a few friends, during which they very nearly completed the project.
I so enjoyed last night’s event (that’s Jez singing) that I was thinking of an angle to write about it here, without any real success, until Lynzi proudly announced that all lighting in the hospital is LED; it’s the only hospital on Earth without any incandescent or florescent lighting! Bulls eye. A perfect fit for my “sustainable building” category.
If you’re in a generous mood and wish to make a contribution to a truly good cause, you might consider a donation. Even small gifts are deeply appreciated.