Advanced Energy Storage Technologies

Here are five mini-reports on companies that have recently received funding for the development of advanced energy storage technologies. That’s good news.

I’m reminded of the presentation that ARPA-E deputy director Dr. Cheryl Martin gave at CleanTechLA earlier this week, in which she said, “Storage makes everything better.”  We all chuckled at this cute little maxim, but she’s right.  Storage means less expense associated with providing power at peak moments, more integration of variable resources in the grid-mix, better reliability in the event of storms, the establishment of micro-grids and distributed generation, and the migration to electric transportation.

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2 comments on “Advanced Energy Storage Technologies
  1. Steven Andrews says:

    It’s a good thing we have thinking people there, we still need to “risk” new avenues, and new leapfrogging ideas. The reason these things have to be done is that we need to investigate these new roads before we are in deep trouble (like we are right now). Just think of what would have happened if the Apollo project wasn’t developed? Or, what would the world be without the “discovery” of america?

  2. Glenn Doty says:

    Thanks Craig.

    Thanks for continuing to put us out there.