Understanding the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Attacks on Renewable Energy

Understanding the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Attacks on Renewable EnergyHere’s a good article that shows how powerful and well-organized the fossil fuel industry is in its nonstop aggression against renewable energy—and anything else aimed at protecting the environment from harmful emissions.

As a reader commented, “I hope the gig pays well.”  Indeed.  Born sociopaths do stuff like this for fun, but the rest of us don’t.  Imagine you’re a decent person, and you’re weighing the pros and cons of participating in this effort.  Your job will be to concoct and disseminate a steady stream of lies whose ultimate effect will be enormous harm to humankind and all life forms here on Earth – now and forever into the future.  The idea is repugnant to the very core of your being.  You can’t believe you’re even considering such a thing.  But there’s that summer house in the Hamptons….




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