Cleantech Investors Often View Our Projects Coolly – Until a Sense of Urgency Sets In

I’m happy to report that the waste-to-energy project I’m trying to engineer that will bring electrification to rural schools in Panama now looks fairly close to fruition, now that I have—not one or two—but four separate cleantech investment entities interested and, in a way, competing against one another to do the deal.

As we’ve all seen in sales, a sense of urgency is a powerful motivating force. We may be looking at real estate, for instance, and perhaps we have a mild interest in a certain property. Then along comes another potential buyer. Instantly our level of reach and demand for the deal goes up, and we become terrified of losing this “dream” property to someone else.

I believe that’s what’s happening here, and that the investment will be sealed up tight in the next week or two. We’ll see.


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