People’s Climate March in New York City

People's Climate March in New York CityThe 1883 eruption of Krakatoa produced the loudest sound ever known. It could be heard 3000 miles away and it reverberated around the globe 7 times before diminishing.  Pictured here is the relatively tiny eruption of the same volcano in 2008.

As long as we’re on the subject of impressive numbers, here are a few that describe the People’s Climate March on Sunday in New York City.  I wish I could be there, but since I can’t, I’ll join the solidarity march in Santa Barbara.

2,100: The number of People’s Climate events taking place this weekend in over 160 countries around the world — this is part of something truly global.

1,500: Partner organizations officially supporting the march — and it’s still growing!

1,000: Artists who have been hard at work for months making absolutely stunning materials for the march using more than 100 gallons of paint, 350 yards of posterboard, 13 parachutes, and miles of cardboard tubes (because no one is allowed to use wood in the march – NYPD rules).

500: Buses coming from across the country. Lined up end to end that’s more than twice the width of Manhattan at its widest point – and they’re carrying 25,000 people to the march.

475: The number of volunteers we have to help support the march this weekend as greeters and march marshals — but we still need 200 more! Click here to sign up to volunteer, and we’ll get you oriented ASAP.

362: The number of college campuses where students are organizing to turn out for this march in huge numbers. Young people will not accept a future ravaged by climate change.

300: The length in feet of a single banner in the march. It might just be the biggest climate banner ever (at least that I’ve seen – you can find it in the “We Know Who’s Responsible” theme).

125: World leaders planning to attend the climate leadership summit on Tuesday — more than at any previous climate summit or negotiation. Let’s send them to the negotiating table with the sound of an enormous movement ringing in their ears.

82: The expected temperature on Sunday. That’s beautiful weather to make history in.

29: The number of marching bands that will be making sure this march has a beat. And that’s not counting the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 3 bagpipers.

26: The number of city blocks being blocked off for this march to lineup – check out the lineup here and find your people. Or just show up at 86th St and Central Park West at 11 AM.

5: How many friends you should bring (or at least forward this email to) – because to change everything it takes everyone.

1: Planets we have. Which means we also only have one shot to get this right.

0: The amount of progress we’ll make if we stay home. We don’t know that this will work – but we do know that if we stay home, the only thing that’s going to change is the climate.


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