From Guest Blogger Savannah: Five Ways Businesses Can Improve On Going Green

Businesses Can Improve On Going GreenAre you committed to going green? Many companies today have corporate responsibility initiatives designed to promote greener activities. But not all green programs are effective. Here are some of the ways that you can improve.

Create a Ride Sharing Program

A ride sharing program among colleagues is a fantastic way to reduce emissions. You can promote these programs by letting employees who take this initiative come into work a little later or get premium parking space right next to the building. Just make sure that you run your ride sharing program by legal to ensure that everyone is properly covered by insurance.

Let Employees Telecommute to Work

Telecommuting has become popular for a variety of reasons, including environmental ones. When you let employees telecommute to work you require fewer resources (such as electricity) and your employees don’t use gas going to and from the office. Even better, you can procure talent from anywhere in the world! If you let a significant amount of your employees telecommute, you may be able to reduce your office hours overall.

Hire a Green Cleaning Crew

Green cleaning crews only use green, harmless and non-toxic chemicals to clean the your office. Green cleaning solutions are better both for the environment and your employee’s health. Other cleaning solutions can leech into the surrounding environment and ultimately cause problems for the ecosystem, such as natural plant and animal life.

Shred Your Documents With a Green Service

Nearly every company today has physical documents that they need shredded. Find a company such as Paper Recycling & Shredding Specialists that provides document shredding in California or at a different location. Some shredding companies will just destroy documents, which gives nothing back to the environment! Once your documents have been shredded, you may also want to increase the amount of documents you use virtually rather than physically.

Use Wind-Powered or Solar-Powered Technology Services

Does your company use cloud services or a dedicated host for your technologies? There are many technology companies today that have converted to either solar or wind power. Not only are these services substantially greener, but they also make the services more affordable. Other green services include green backup services and green web hosting services.


Don’t forget to get your employees involved. Get employees to sort through their own documents for recycling and to get excited about the company’s green initiatives. You can even take suggestions!

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