Opening Up Colorado Wilderness to Coal Mining

Opening Up Colorado Wilderness to Coal MiningThe Center for Biological Diversity writes:

We don’t get it: The Obama administration says it wants to fight climate change, but it keeps opening our public lands to more brutal fossil fuel extraction.

The latest move is deeply troubling: Obama’s Forest Service wants to sacrifice a beautiful Colorado roadless area to coal mining. We need your help to stop it.

The Forest Service has proposed to strip away roadless-area protections across 19,000 acres of pristine backcountry in western Colorado — all to let a St. Louis-based company mine 350 million tons of coal. It’d destroy some of our last, best natural areas and wildlife habitat — and open the door to a half-billion tons of carbon dioxide pollution we can’t afford.

I hope this idea gets so much opposition that it blows away like so much coal dust. Anyone who wants to join me in petitioning against this horrific concept can do so here.

Admittedly, the Obama administration has been a mixed bag environmentally.  But keep in mind that it replaced the G.W. Bush administration that had effectively locked the environmental movement away in a closet for eight years.



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