America Is Exorcising Itself of “Citizens United”

American Is Exorcising Itself of “Citizens United”My recent post: The Social Contract and the U.S. Government makes the point that the American people are in the process of putting a spear through the U.S. Supreme Court decision “Citizens United.”

A reader responds:  Hi Craig. When you look at a map of the U.S., think of the people who live there.

Are they the same as those in a neighboring state? Where did their grandparents come from?  Going from Maine to Southern California, how many nationalities are we looking at? How many different climates? With all the diversity in our nation, you are going to have a hell of time throwing that one blanket over everyone. It’s up to the population in each area to fend for themselves to their representatives to get what they think they may need.

Thanks for the comment, but I’m unconvinced of the point you’re making.  I’m aware that there are huge differences in politics between the people of Massachusetts and those of Alabama, but they all have lungs, they all love their children, and they all believe in democracy.  I give Citizens United two years, max.   We Americans get this now, and we’re not putting up with it.


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