Celebrating the Paris Climate Change Agreement

Celebrating the Paris Climate Change AgreementCaption to this Instagram post: A historic meeting took place on April 22, 2016, as more than 155 countries have committed to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City. 

An expression of pure exhilaration.  Whenever possible, we like to wax enthusiastic.

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2 comments on “Celebrating the Paris Climate Change Agreement
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Quite honestly, I doubt that much progress will result from the agreement. I hope that I’m wrong.

    • marcopolo says:


      I agree. As with all such talkfests, ” When all is said and done, there’s a lot more said, than done !”

      Vague “feel good” agreements, that will be generally ignored and forgotten in changing economic circumstances.