When You’re Carrying a BIG Wind Turbine Blade, There’s No Such Thing as a LITTLE Problem

a6qkwvlzakwmg7xgjt9yTo get a sense for what it’s like trucking a 189-foot-long wind turbine blade onto a remote site with non-optimum road conditions, I offer you the video below.  It made me smile, and I hope it does the same for you.

As we all learned in 6th grade math, the area of a circle is a function of the square of its radius.  When it comes to wind energy, where the power extracted by a turbine is proportional to the swept area of the blades (a circle), this means that doubling the length of the blade means quadrupling the power.  This means that bigger is better, and it’s one of the many reasons why “small wind” was doomed to failure from its onset.


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