All Air Travelers Need to Thank Trump

26169742_1557700227650650_1069790544474206511_nIs there some reason for alarm here, i.e., that the POTUS is taking credit for airline safety?

Aren’t you aware that Trump’s grandfather invented the airplane?

Let’s give credit where credit is due.

Seriously, why does he have to tell at least one horrifyingly embarrassing lie almost every single day?  Can’t someone close to him get him to stop acting like a five-year-old with a serious personality disorder? The entire country receives a public flogging on a near-daily basis.  Can’t it just stop?

Ok.  OK, damn it!  We made a mistake, but we didn’t deserve this.


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2 comments on “All Air Travelers Need to Thank Trump
  1. marcopolo says:


    A excellent example of the inanity of ‘tweeting’ as a form of communication.

    But not really a ‘lie’ as such.

    It’s a fact that 2017 is the safest recorded year in US Commercial Airline history, and it’s also true that Donald Trump is President. It’s also true he has discussed and made proposals regarding Civil Airline policy.

    What is also true is Commercial Airlines have globally become increasingly safe for the best part of 6 years.

    While Trump is clearly attempting to take credit for something occurring, with or without any of his input (although he did implement a brief ban on laptops etc for the middle east) I suppose he may feel entitled to claim credit for the continuing and improving current situation since he would certainly be blamed (fairly or unfairly) if the safety record deteriorated.

    Most of his supporters don’t read the anguished bleats from the New Yorker or NYT ( and don’t care) they do like to hear some good news tweeted by the President. These folks read the tweet as proof that ol’ Don’s doing a good job, and things are not all failing apart as his opponents claim. Stridently proving he’s not really responsible doesn’t shake their faith, just makes his detractors look petty and spiteful in their eyes.

    After all, it’s also true that the US, in many ways, is doing better in 2017 than any time in two decades. That’s the trouble with over stating the calamity of Trump as President. People grow weary of endless, repetitive, and often wildly exaggerated criticism of the President. big issues get lost among the torrent of invective and people become inured to the vehemence.

    They start to have sympathy for the beleaguered President, especially when he receives no credit for his successes. That’s the major skill of populists, the excessive outrage of opponents tends to make the public dislike everyone, allowing a sympathy vote for the populist.

    I’ll agree it’s an irritating tweet (well let’s face it, all tweets are irritating), but hardly the end of the world and certainly not worth getting upset over when there are so many far more important issues.

    But why do you fall for such nonsense ? Why waste time and energy with these petty irritations when there are far more pressing and serious issues to consider ?

    Wouldn’t you be better spending time thinking about the environmental impact of crypto-currencies or wildfires etc ?

  2. Cameron Atwood says:

    Trump’s tweet is a deceptive attempt to take credit for a longstanding outcome that he did not effect. Like much of his messaging, it is also an absurdity to those who know the facts.