From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Taking Care of the Earth–Five Best Practices to Keep it Green and Clean

Costa-Rica-travel-caribbean-734105The earth is currently facing some serious challenges. This includes things like climate change, pollution and the consumption of finite natural resources. Solving these dilemmas is going to require action from all over society. The business world in particular must play a large role here. Below are five things that businesses, both large and small, can do to help save the earth.
Stop Using Paper

If there’s one thing your company can do to help save the planet, it’s going paperless in your offices and beyond. Everyone has digital devices now that load things like Word documents and PDF files. There is no point to paper files anymore. According to statistics, each office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper each year. This waste needs to end.


Recycle Everything

Recycling may seem like a given to many people. However, many companies still do not recycle as much as they could. You can recycle far more than just paper, plastic and glass bottles. You can also recycle all kinds of industrial waste such as scrap metal. If you produce scrap metal through your production processes, seek out scrap metal services that can allow you to recycle the metal you do not use.


Start an Employee Carpool Program

One of the biggest ways businesses pollute is indirectly. Many people have to complete long commutes to and from work. This, of course, results in the release of emissions and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the cars that have to make those commutes. To cut down on this pollution, organize employee carpools that will slash the amount of emissions released a significant amount.


Allow Employees to Telecommute

Thanks for the miracle that is the internet, not everyone who works for a company has to work in the same building. Instead, certain employees with specialized skills can live hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Telecommuting can slash costs, and it can also lower a company’s carbon footprint.


Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Traditional incandescent light bulbs tend to burn very hot. As a result, they expend a lot of energy and wear out quickly. Compact fluorescent light bulbs do not burn as hot. They use far less electricity and last much longer as well.


Saving the earth and the environment is a huge challenge that may take multiple generations to overcome. It’s going to take action from everyone. That certainly includes businesses. Consider the five items listed above as only a starting point.

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