We’re Not the Society We Used To Be

Wet-When-Raining-Sign-Holder-360x240Here’s a piece of much-needed comic relief, illustrating how, in the words of Bob Dylan, things have changed Yet comedy is a vehicle that can be used to make a serious point; in this case it’s that common sense isn’t a flower that grows in everyone’s garden.  I try to keep this in mind as I walk around this world; it explains so much.

As you look through each of these, ask yourself two questions:  20 years ago….

Would this have been necessary?

Could Donald Trump have been elected U.S. president?

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One comment on “We’re Not the Society We Used To Be
  1. marcopolo says:


    Bob Dylan is the ultimate of ultra-cool for generations. I recall as an English schoolboy in 1962 buying a record by the then little known American, to take with me on the long flight to spend my holiday in Australia.

    On that trip I also took a copies of recordings on tape of Jan and Dean, early Phil Orchs and a recording of the early Rolling Stones at the London Marquee Club. I got the tape as a present from a friend in the music business who came to my fathers parties.

    I believe I have most, if not all, of Bob Dylan’s available recordings and several of his artworks.

    His eighth album ‘John Wesley Harding’, (a last minute gift from a girl) was in my luggage as I arrived in Vietnam in November 1967, (left behind when I left in 1970).

    As each decade rolled by, so did Dylan, always changing, yet somehow always relevant, always himself, never compromising, living to his own expectations, no one else’s.

    “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.” the old biblical misquote,(John 4:230 was used by a critic of Winston Churchill when grudgingly conceding his ascendancy to Prime Minister in 1940.

    In the time and tide of American affairs, it may be that in looking back, it will appear the Presidency of Donald Trump was not only inevitable, but fortuitous. (or maybe not).