Asinine/Fraudulent Concepts in Renewable Energy

542When I had my marketing consultancy with 200+ employees and clients on three continents, one of my top people once told me, “Craig, you obviously don’t suffer fools gladly, and that’s fine, but you need to be a bit more subtle about it.”  He went on to explain that, unbeknownst to me, I occasionally make facial expressions in response to stupid statements that are totally perceptible to anyone in the room who happens to be looking at me at the time.  I thanked him, and really tried to rein that in.

I have to admit that I have trouble restraining myself when I come across something asinine, like this solar and wind carport.  The solar PV faces in directions that will ruin its effectiveness, and in most settings, that wind turbine won’t generate enough electricity to run a desktop computer.

Moreover, its purveyors make this borderline fraudulent claim: Special positioning of PV panels allows for stable energy production and gives solar energy at least four additional hours compared to a classic PV mounting.

Sorry to be so blunt.  Call it a weakness.


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2 comments on “Asinine/Fraudulent Concepts in Renewable Energy
  1. marcopolo says:


    Yes indeed, you are quite correct. Although it’s hard to often determine if the folk behind these schemes are dishonest or merely delusional.

    The Car Port and it’s sad little wind turbine, do look pretty pathetic, but some small wind turbines can generate a surprising amount of power even at fairly low elevations, as any farmer or boat owner will attest.

  2. I think that they meant 4 additional hours because of the way it’s curved. That would still have the same average production for each panel though.