Uniquely American

43715573_10217581613230547_8979660886511714304_nI’m not sure that voter suppression is uniquely American, but it is strange, isn’t it?  If you want a democracy, shouldn’t you, almost by definition, be encouraging all citizens to vote?  If you want an oligarchy, why not have the guts to say so?

What does seem uniquely American is the pure joy rich white people take in inflicting further suffering on the poor, and voter suppression is just one of the many forms it takes.  The wealthy have finally succeeded in engineering a Congress that gave them, in exchange for their donations, tax cuts so massive as to saddle this country with several trillion dollars of additional debt, and, as a further bonus, they get to see the growing misery befalling the lives of everybody else: falling real wages, cuts to healthcare coverage, the demolition of workers’ rights, poisoned drinking water, grossly inadequate response to climate-fueled disasters, teachers working two or three jobs to afford school supplies for their students, crippling indebtedness from college loans, and rising rates of poverty and homelessness.

I’m not an expert in world cultures, but it’s hard to imagine that there is another society on Earth in which those at the top take such relish in punishing the poor.

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3 comments on “Uniquely American
  1. I don’t understand either. What’s worse is that a lot of Americans who are being directly affected don’t realize what’s going on and still support him. He is very manipulative and has convinced a lot of people hat he is helping America, not harming it. Although he may believe that he’s helping, reality is that he is causing irreparable damage.

    • marcopolo says:


      Please don’t take this the wrong way, but has it every occurred to you the millions of folk who support the President might not be ‘mindless dupes’, it could be on some issues they are right or at least sincerely believe the President’s policies are correct ?

      What puzzles me, is the absolute certainty of the President’s opponents that their opinions and intellectual capacity is so much superior to their fellow Americans whom the consider intellectually inferior or “deplorables”.

      For myself, I can’t accept the concept that those with whom I disagree are any less intelligent or less worthy human beings. (there’s always the possibility they’re right and I’m wrong !).

      All across America, there are millions of ‘forgotten Americans’ who have benefited from the policies of this administration. Don’t their opinions matter ?

  2. marcopolo says:


    “I’m not an expert in world cultures”. That much is plainly obvious ! Still, it’s great to see a good old fashioned ‘class warfare’ socialist rant popping up every so often.

    The fact that socialist style economic models never work for long, and always descend into repression, stagnation and cruel misery, never seems to stop the idealistic ramblings and whining utterances of the left.

    The message of the left is always the same, if a policy fails, just keep repeating the same ideas over and over in the hope that one day, for some inexplicable reason everything will turn out okay.

    There is nothing corrupt about requiring citizens to register to vote, nor establish their identity to ensure no voting fraud takes place. Voting registration is a common practice in nearly every advanced nation with a system of representative government.

    Robert Brown is wrong. No government anywhere in the world has a system of voting which requires no qualification or eligibility requirements.

    Once again, you make an assertion, (without any real authoritative source) and hope by continual repetition to pass it off as an established ‘fact’.

    Still as I say, it’s good to read an old fashioned class war, diatribe ! Takes me back to the balmy day of ’60’s student activists. (although in most cases those ardent lefties were just plain barmy!). Rock on, comrade before you graduate and have to find a job in the real world.