Filling the Open Seat at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

trump-doesnt-dig-coal-300x138When the grid in the U.S. was established more than 100 years ago, its purpose was to provide electrical power cheaply and reliably.  Now, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has a somewhat wider mission statement, i.e., to ensure “reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy services at a reasonable cost.” Yes, the notion of sustainability is, at least nominally, part of FERC’s charter, as well as impartiality and independence.

But how well will this purpose be served if the open seat in this key regulatory body is filled by President Trump’s nominee, Bernard McNamee, who designed and lobbied for the plan to bail out coal plants?  Should the nominee have serious conflicts of interest?  Is it good that the nominee has no experience in the utility or natural gas utility industries and has no experience as a regulator of these industries?

People say Trump is erratic, but that’s not true; he is nothing if not entirely predictable.  Every single decision is consistent with his passion for destroying the environment with regressive policies that enrich his billionaire friends and threaten the health and safety of all 7.5 billion residents of planet Earth.

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One comment on “Filling the Open Seat at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  1. marcopolo says:


    Erratic ? Some people ? Hang on, haven’t you been one of those people for over two years endlessly banging on about President Trump being unfit for office, because he’s erratic?

    Also why do you keep accusing President Trump of “enriching his billionaire friends” ? Who are these billionaire friends ? Most of the old hard right ultra rich hate him and actively support his opponents, while the overwhelming majority of the newly minted billionaires actively oppose Trump and sent huge sums on supporting Democrat candidates !

    As usual, your source of information being the Journal of the Union of Concerned Scientists, (a very unscientific political lobby group), is inaccurate.

    The UCS states: “Bernard McNamee has no experience of the utility or natural gas utility industries”

    But that’s not really true is is it?

    Bernie McNamee has practiced energy law for over 15 years, including nearly ten-years as a partner and senior counsel with the Richmond, Virginia law firm of McGuireWoods LLP, where he specialized in representing electric and natural gas utilities before state public utility commissions.

    His cases included:

    Approval of three utility-scale solar electric generating facilities in Virginia
    •Approval of a 1358 MW natural gas combined cycle electric generating facility in Virginia.
    •Approval of the conversion of three older coal
    electric plants to biomass in Virginia
    •Approval of renewable portfolio standards (RPS) plans for a major electric utility
    •Approval of energy efficiency and conservation plans for electric and natural gas utilities
    •Approval of variouselectric transmission lines
    •Approval of rate cases and fuel cases for electric and natural gas utilities
    •Approval for an independent generator to acquire a co-generation facility.
    •Approval of integrated resource plans (IRP) for electric utility that included natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewables.

    You’d think a bunch of guys claiming to represent the scientific community, would do a just a little research before making such easily debunked claims wouldn’t you ? But no, , the UCS has always thought it can just make up most of the ‘facts’ it advocates. (very scientific!)

    But what’s more puzzling Craig, is why you didn’t bother looking up the bio of the person you are attacking ? Surely you would want to independently verify your information before adding your own voice to an erroneous claim ?