Should Trump Learn about Technology?

download (7)In his most recent post here, tech maven Fritz Maffry notes: We are previewing (electric transportation and autonomous technology but this subject) flies in the face of Donald Trump’s saying electric cars won’t work. The president should go to CES (Consumer Electronics Show) with someone who can show him what is coming and why it matters. 

I’ve known Fritz for almost a decade, but I’m not sure if he believes that Donald Trump has a sincere interest in learning about this, or anything else for that matter.  If he does harbor this conviction, he is mistaken.

Trump is driven by three things:

• An ego large enough to convince him that he has no need for information from which to make decisions that profoundly affect the well-being of 7.5 billion people,

• An understanding that helping rich people get richer is imperative to his staying in the White House, and

• An almost supernatural capacity to mislead large masses of people.

He is a freak of nature, one that, thank God, is headed for the exit.

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One comment on “Should Trump Learn about Technology?
  1. marcopolo says:


    “Donald Trump’s saying electric cars won’t work” !

    Except he never said that did he ? Why do are so so desperate to distort what the President actually said, to justify a lie ?

    President Trump was angrily responding to the news GM intends to close US auto four plants with 15,000 jobs in North America at Christmas.

    Trump questioned GM CEO Mary Barra’s business strategy in an interview with Fox News.

    “They’ve changed the whole model of General Motors. They’ve gone to all-electric. All-electric is not going to work in the immediate future. It’s wonderful to have it as a percentage of your cars, but going into this model that she’s doing I think is a mistake,” T

    “To tell me a couple weeks before Christmas that’s she’s going to close in Ohio and Michigan is not acceptable to me ”

    Those were the President’s actual words.

    President Trump was not speaking about technology, but GM’s explanation for closing US plants, and ceasing to build sedans in favour of increased SUV and imported production.

    How does it help informed debate if everyone distorts, misquotes and lies, to advance their own agenda ?