International Nightmare Far from Over

trump-ally-roger-stone-arrested-following-indictment-in-robert-mullers-russia-probe-1This morning’s seven-point indictment against and arrest of Trump ally and adviser Roger Stone reminds us of how complicated and time-consuming all this is, and what a nightmare the Trump presidency continues to be for the nation.   One can’t look at this train wreck and fail to wonder how this is all going to play out.  

The moment there is hard evidence of a felony, the sniveling GOP cowards in congress will drop him like a hot rock, and he’ll be expelled and prosecuted.  That, of course, could come from dozens of different directions: witness tampering, ordering Cohen to lie to congress, collusion, emoluments, illegal handling of funds in the Trump Foundation, etc.  Hell, Guiliani could go on television this afternoon and tell the world that his client is guilty of God-only-knows-what.

Regardless of how this progresses from here, it’s hard to imagine that it won’t involve a set of histrionics like we’ve never seen before.  Trump is not Nixon, who was sane and smart enough to find a way to extricate himself with a minimum of legal exposure.

First, Trump’s efforts to stop the investigation are about to go into high gear.  That in itself could take many different forms. Yet even if Mueller is sidelined, there is no destroying all the evidence that has been gathered thus far.

Trump could send troops to Venezuela or Iran.  He could bomb North Korea.

Trump and his family may split for Moscow; people say that in jest, but what makes it so unlikely?  It’s fairly clear that Trump’s relationship with Putin/Russia is not at all as advertised.

If it happens, Trump’s expulsion from office could cause considerable domestic unrest by his faithful who, fueled by their favorite television “news” channel, feel that God’s gift to America’s greatness has been railroaded by a deep-state cabal.

What is safe to say is that this is going to get worse before it gets better.


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One comment on “International Nightmare Far from Over
  1. marcopolo says:


    Calm down, with that sort of paranoia you may either explode or have a heart attack.

    In an overly dramatic raid carefully orchestrated with CNN, FBI officers, with guns drawn to heighten dramatic effect, arrested an unarmed 66 year old male author and charged him with five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering.

    The arrested man , Roger Stone a prominent Trump supporter, denied the charges and was quite rightly indignant about the circumstances of his arrest.

    None of the charges relate to President Trump, nor do they have anything to do with the President, or for that matter Russia. They involve Mr Stone’s dealings with Wikileaks, which although very annoying and embarrassing to the FBI and US intelligence, isn’t actually illegal.

    Mr Stone stated emphatically he will plead not guilty and categorically states his right to defend himself of the charges which do seem a bit tenuous and far from solid.

    Before becoming hysterical, liberals like yourself, should keep in mind Mr Stone is entitled to a “presumption of innocence” as guarantied by the constitution.

    He’s also entitled to fair procedural due process. The gratuitous and overly dramatic dawn raid, seems to have been motivated by an angry FBI in revenge for the administration’s shut down. The FBI director improperly made a highly political address to agents stating he was “very, very angry” at the shut down.

    So far, the only evidence gathered by the Mueller inquiry, has nothing to do with the President. This latest dramatic effort does further revel how politicized the Federal government law enforcement upper echelon has become, and how fixated the US intelligence and media have become with Russia.

    Today, Nancy Pelosi once again attacked President Trump for trying to weaken NATO at the behest of Putin.

    That statement is not only untrue, but an obvious lie! The contrary is true, President Trump has strengthened NATO and is working strenuously to dissuade Germany from completing a pipeline carrying natural gas directly to from Russia to Germany.

    This pipeline will make Germany more oil dependent on Russia for energy. Germany is already dependent on Russia for biomass energy, despite Russia perpetrating a vast eco-disater by clear felling vast swathes of forests to export pellets to Germany.

    Both NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Chiefs of NATO Command, have praised the President for “immeasurably strengthening” NATO. But what would they know, obviously Nancy pelosi is in a better qualified ?

    But you are even less logical than Nancy Pelosi ! On the one hand you claim President Trump is a Russian Puppet, and in the same breath, claim he may send troops to Venezuela to thwart Russian influence and stop Russia turning Venezuela into a Russian ally !

    You can’t have it both ways ! (Although, being a hysterical ‘Never Trumper’, logic isn’t one of your strong points).

    With both houses having passed a bill to temporarily reopen the government, President Trump has only one of two options, refuse to sign the bill, or accept the will of the legislature. Being a strong observer of the constitution, he will accept and sign the bill.

    Nancy Pelosi and the ‘never Trumpers’ will gloat at the President humiliation, and see this as a political victory.

    But the victory has a terrible price. In the next three weeks, approximately 3500 women and children will be abducted, killed, enslaved, raped and infected with venereal disease (some incurable)attempting to reach the US illegally.

    Already strained US medical authorities will be expected to cope with this influx. In reality they will be simply overwhelmed and left untreated will spread out through the US infecting others. A silent, shameful, silent epidemic whose effects may not be fully known for twenty years when millions of lives are ruined.

    But by then then, a smug Nancy and the man who tried to stop the epidemic will have departed the stage, each leaving behind a legacy.

    In reality, for all your claims of Trump being a ‘dangerous’ war loving President, the facts prove the opposite !

    The President has shown he can be pragmatic and flexible. He will again.