White-Dominated City Celebrates Black Lives Matter

16472835_1685320461478925_309169006620122433_nHere’s a meme that reminds us of what MLK said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Unless this country, and organized civilization with it, completely loses its bearings towards humanity and spins off into some dystopian white-dominated fascism, the white race will eventually extend its hand towards minorities and say, “Let there be peace.  We’re all in this together.”

It’s a beautiful sentiment.  All we need to do is to make it a reality.

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One comment on “White-Dominated City Celebrates Black Lives Matter
  1. marcopolo says:


    I am very proud to be related to the great British advocate of emancipation, William Wilberforce, and a lifetime supporter of MLK.

    However, I have a problem with the idea of “Black lives Matter”, and the fashionably of playing a race card to support unrelated causes.

    Dr King certainly didn’t support the idea of Black Supremacy, or using race, and current standards of “political correctness” to belittle, or persecute anyone in an orgy of “gotcha” self-righteous publicity.

    All lives matter, not just black lives ! At some stage every individual no matter what race, must examine his own conscience and become responsible for their own circumstances and community.

    Blaming “whites”, is a form of inverse racism. It demeans every race and individuals. As I type these words, I am noticing my fellow passenger who is of African descent. When we met in the Airport Concorde lounge I didn’t think of him as being of a different race, but as a medical practitioner who knows my son.

    I was also drawn to his group of traveling companions because of the intellectual standard of conversation among such and interesting group, and I’m not ashamed to say, the elegant beauty of some of the younger members of the group. (Not aging lecherous misogyny, well maybe a little,…just a natural reaction which evolution has gifted to hopeful, if unrealistic, males of the human species).

    The point is, at some point the self flagellation by some white liberals, must cease. It’s rude and demeaning to be continually excusing the failures of any group in society on some imagined flaw in others.