Climate Change Risks Compound With One Another

1495258541-7517Here’s an excellent article describing some unanticipated consequences of climate change.  When I saw it, I commented: Humankind will never completely understand the dynamics associated with climate disasters, simply because weather is intrinsically chaotic.

Someone responded: To say that because weather changes, climate can’t be predicted is total bs.
Me: Ha! You’re 100% correct.  That’s what happens when you come back from wine tasting with friends and you make comments on social media.  What I meant to say is:
Weather is intrinsically chaotic, though climate change as a whole is fairly well predictable; the models built to predict the future of climate change itself have proven to be extremely accurate. Having  said that, there are unknowable aspects associated with the long-term results of climate change on our civilization, via the hundreds of different indirect effects, interacting with one another that will probably never be fully understood.
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