Wind Energy: Making It Happen in Scotland

5689040-3x2-940x627Here’s an article on Scotland’s bumper crop of wind energy.  In the last six months they’ve produced twice as much as the residential market needed, and they’re headed for a total of 50% renewables by 2030.

Most countries, though not all, have some sort of renewable resources that will soon come to dominate the local grid-mix.  Phasing out fossil fuels altogether, however, will take many decades and require advanced nuclear, the integration of storage, long-distance power transmission, and, above all, an abiding commitment by all to avert environmental catastrophe.

Therein lies the rub.

Are we up for the challenge?  The Scots certainly think so.   Lang may yer lum reek.  (lum = chimney, reek = smoke)  Translation: I wish you well for the future.


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