Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Displaced Environmental Scientists

Bill-Nye-Chuck-Nice-and-Kate-Marvel_climate-change_Credit_Ben-Ratner_1400x975-1400x975Question:  What became of the scientists who were fired from the EPA under the Trump administration?

Did they a) Languish at home and watch “The New Price Is Right?” or b) Form their own group and rededicate themselves to doing what they can to minimize the damage?


Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

Relevance:  It may appear that our society is headed for another Dark Ages, where science is replaced by superstition, opinion, and the dictates of the most powerful–but don’t count us out so soon.

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One comment on “Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Displaced Environmental Scientists
  1. marcopolo says:


    Ah ha, just what everyone needs another group of self-appointed pundits desperate to find a sponsor. Excellent!

    As long as these people are no longer on the public payroll, they are entitled to spend their time as they wish, and good luck to them.