Renewables Without Subsidies

maxresdefault (1)Here’s an article in a newsletter for angel investors that describes how the plummeting cost of solar and wind is signalling the end of government subsidies
Tons of private capital from all over the world is pouring into renewables, energy storage, and the peripheral technologies.

Of course, this will mean nothing to the subsidies that continue to rain down on big oil, a 90-year-old industry that is the most profitable enterprise in human history, but that’s another story.

We’re getting there.

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2 comments on “Renewables Without Subsidies
  1. marcopolo says:


    If what you write is correct, why lie? It’s been many decades since the oil industry received and significant subsidies, yet the remain the largest US taxpayer.

    The cost of “renewables” is not “plummeting” ! If that were true, they’d be free by now!

    All new technology has a period between R&D, early commercialization and settled market price when competition and mass production reduces prices.

    That process doesn’t last forever. After a while, the cost of labour increases, the market constricts, sales costs increase and cheap deals disappear as the industry settles down.

    Without subsidies, large scale Solar and Wind (except in rare locations) are not economically viable.

    In the near future the cost of disposal of solar panels and worn out wind turbines with become economic considerations. (already hundreds of abandoned wind turbines are becoming a costly hazard for governments to remove at taxpayer expense.

    When the subsidies dry ip, so does private investment!

    These are issues which you chose to ignore, which is why you desperately cling to repeating old, long disproven myths about the oil industry.