As a TechnoFraud, This Guy Gets a B-

Here’s a story about Stanley Meyers’ water injector. “Stan advanced this technology all the way to water injectors which could convert any car to run on just water.  Unfortunately the same day the multi million dollar contract was signed to start building manufacturing facilities Stan was murdered. This technology was never released and so far has not been duplicated.”

Craig: Sorry. There’s no one with an IQ over that of a carrot stupid enough to believe this.
Richie Waddell: There is a lot of low IQ carrots out there making it work then. Here is my conversion 
Craig: No there aren’t.
Obviously, anyone with enough electric energy can electrolyze water and run a car on H2 via a fuel cell; that’s been happening since the 1970s. But this video says the car runs on water, from the oceans, from the rivers, showing someone splashing around in a puddle. The video shows the “inventor” filling up his tank with water and then driving off. Where does the energy come from to electrolyze the water?  Meyers’ fairy godmother?  It’s completely fraudulent bulls**t, and you know it. 
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One comment on “As a TechnoFraud, This Guy Gets a B-
  1. marcopolo says:


    This is what comes from wasting your time by taking stuuf on Facebook seriously!

    Interestingly. “miracle” carburetors, cars running on water, mysterious inventions that would see the end of oil, are really old scams.

    Some date from the early 1900’s and abounded during the Great Depression. Like Alchemy the never seem to actually die, merely resurfacing in different guises.

    This particular little group of oddities you have come across have been around more than a decade and to be sincere. (deluded, but sincere!).

    Why you might ask, would anyone continue to try home building an HFCV when Toyota and Hyundai already have production models for sale?

    The other day I happened to bump into an old acquaintance I used to meet nearly twenty years ago when I belonged to an amateur EV club.

    He wanted to know why I had lost interest in EV’s as he and other members were still building EV’s from old donor cars.

    Opening the door of my BMW i8 EV, I asked him if he wanted a lift somewhere, but he declined and left still convinced I was a backslider!

    This individual teaches science at reputable High School and spends his spare time working on hobby EV’s. IMHO such people are harmless.(daft,but harmless).