Yes, the U.S. Is In a Terrible Place Right Now, But There Is Hope

It would be easy to look at the United States right now, and conclude that all the stupidity, greed, selfishness, dishonesty, corruption and other forms of criminality that underpin our federal government and its state-run “news” agency are happening equally all around the world.  As shown here, that is clearly not the case at all.

Maybe the Americans who are learning about New Zealand will insist that some of that sanity and decency wear off and land here.  Maybe not.

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One comment on “Yes, the U.S. Is In a Terrible Place Right Now, But There Is Hope
  1. marcopolo says:


    Er, Craig what do you actually know about NZ ?

    You have a propensity for forming idealized opinions abut the small nations based on a very romanticized portrayal.

    Don’t get me wrong, in many, many ways New Zealand and its people are very admirable with a very interesting and laudable history.

    However, the NZ political and governmental system is very different from the US and although the nation is certainly and advanced, modern democracy with a first world economy and infrastructure, it’s hard to see how NZ ideas could be applicable other nations.

    New Zealand never possessed any real heavy industry even during a long period of protectionism.

    New Zealand is basically a farming nation, blessed with a vast amount of Geo-thermal, natural gas an hydro-electric power.

    The entire population is less than 5 million.

    In the !890’s NZ pioneered the first successful shipment of refrigerated meat to the UK. NZ lamb and wool became the national staple exports from that time onward.

    It’s kinda easy to comply with a low emission agenda if you don’t generate any in the first place!