Planet Earth Finds Itself in a Bizarre Place

In general, the world of politics is headed in a highly toxic direction.  Pretty much wherever we look we see ever-growing demagoguery, racism, divisiveness, corruption/bribery, nepotism, impeachment, coups, construction of walls, trade wars, cruelty to asylum seekers (hitting children hardest), senators overtly refusing to uphold their oaths of office, voter suppression/sham elections, suppression of the free press, denial of science, demonization of (and punishment of) the poor, destruction of organized labor, unchecked gun violence (U.S. only), complete indifference to the will of the people, favors to wealthy donors, foreign entities controlling elections, re-insertion of religion into government, and unrepentant ruination of the planet.

As shown in the meme, however, this trend isn’t universal.  There are pockets of sanity and devotion to public service in place like Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, to name a few.

There is one common denominator here, I must admit: women.

The world right now needs level-headedness, fairness, compromise, and compassion.  It doesn’t need more testosterone-driven wars, brutality and the elimination of science.  It seems entirely credible that females are better equipped emotionally to lead than males.

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One comment on “Planet Earth Finds Itself in a Bizarre Place
  1. marcopolo says:


    Gosh, aren’t you tired after having that tantrum?

    It must be hard when the object of your hatred goes from achievement to achievement, each bettering the lives of the American people.

    This week the President celebrates the fulfillment of a longstanding election promise, the USMC agreement which supersedes NAFTA..

    The new agreement, which the Democrats claimed could be done and the liberal press derided the President’s ability to accomplish,

    In the same week the Chinese buckled and conceded “phase one” of the President’s demands. As part of the deal, the Chinese offered to increase purchases of U.S. goods by $200 billion, plus an additional $40 billion in agricultural products.

    That’s a lot of happy US farmers cheering the President!

    Oh, and more bad news for the democrats and “never Trumpers” the Federal Reserve reported manufacturing production rose 1.6% in November, as did industrial output.

    Suddenly nearly all mainstream economists have reverse their grim warnings of US recession, and now forecast steady, but significant,growth in 2020.

    Meanwhile, the Housing Market Index, surged to a 20-year high this month.

    At the same time, the stock market continues to reach new highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 20% for the year, the S&P 500 27%.

    Best of all, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports job openings climbed 235,000 in October to 7.3 million,or 1.5 million more job openings than unemployed.

    Oh, and “real wages” grew by 1.8%.

    The news just keeps getting better and better, the President enacted the right of “free speech’ on campus, arranging for 100,000 more organ donors this year. (that’s another 100,000 votes.

    All these achievements, and what do you contribute? Puerile photo’s and irrelevant rants about small nation you know nothing about!