Congressional Republicans Admit The Acted Out of Fear

We commonly come across opinions as to how Trump gained the U.S. presidency, many of which contain the now-cliched metaphor of “the perfect storm,” meaning, in this case, the confluence of ignorance, financial hardship, a disdain for liberals, a fierce hatred of Hillary Clinton, and bottled up racism.

The meme here suggests an answer, not as to how he came to power, but how he remained in power after having abused his office, and that is pure cowardice.  Congressional Republicans were told that their failing to fall in line would result in damage to their careers, and they acted accordingly.  The world was hoping for a defection of at least a few honorable people, which would have resulted in a stunningly brave act, but it was not to be.

Courage isn’t what it once was.  Before the English army, outnumbered by the French 5:1, went into the Battle of Agincourt on 25 October 1415, Henry V inspired them with what is arguably the most powerful speech in history focused on instilling bravery.  I hope you’ll take a couple of minutes and check it out.

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One comment on “Congressional Republicans Admit The Acted Out of Fear
  1. marcopolo says:


    It can never be a grave miscalculation by the left, or simply failure can it? You always have to cry “we was robbed’ and invent some hidden reason why your lost or were rejected.

    It has to be interference by mysterious Russian’s, “big money” or some other strange reason why people just didn’t want what you’re selling.

    As a candidate Joe Biden is now so tainted he is dead in the water. He may stumble along dividing the Democrat party, but he will never be President.

    I hope Bernie Saunders does become the official candidate, at least he’s honest. he wold be slaughtered in the election, but at least the US people would have a clear choice.

    The unltimate hypocrisy would be Mike Bloomberg as candidate.