Gandhi: Tyrants Always Fail

What Gandhi said here is interesting.  FWIW, most of us are not afraid that Trump is going to be here forever; we believe that through some mechanism, the United States will eventually restore some sort of rule by law.

I’m actually sadder than I am afraid. I lament the pathological lying, the cruelty, the brazen criminality, the petty vindictiveness, the embarrassment and loss of respect on the world stage, the damage to the goodwill of our allies, the support of dictatorships, the escalation of the arms race, the roadblock to climate change mitigation and countless other environmental imperatives, the wholesale kindling of bigotry and hate, the incitement of violence, the removal of healthcare from tens of millions of people, the tax cuts to the billionaires, the obstruction of justice, the skyrocketing national debt, and so many more.

At the very best, these are each indelible stains on our nation’s honor.  Two centuries from now, if this civilization hasn’t destroyed itself in any of half a dozen ways, scholars will still be pulling this “Trump phenomenon” apart, studying its numerous causes and and its horrific effects.

At worse, of course, the U.S. becomes just another Russia with its dictator, its oligarchs, and the near perfect information void in which its citizens live re: how their government actually works.  Again, however, I’m not counting us out.

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One comment on “Gandhi: Tyrants Always Fail
  1. marcopolo says:


    When Donald J Trump finally leaves office in 2025, what ever will you have to get so crazy about?

    Will it be possible for you to revert back to a reasonably centered, rational human being after dedicating so many years focused on “outrage” “hysteria” “hatred” and over excited extremism?

    Going cold turkey won’t be easy! The “Bad orange man’ is your addiction, your obsession, the excuse to release all that pent up frustration and fanaticism you have kept hidden all these years.

    By 2025, President Trump will have transformed America and America’s place in the world. The transformation is already occurring and is irreversible. The antic of the Democrats and “never Trumpers” is only the sign of an entitled effete elite group of reactionaries going though death agonies for a lost dream.

    You may not want admit the truth, but the irrational Green-left crusade has already reached it’s apex. From here on it will start to fall apart with increasing speed.

    Despite, (or because) stunts like the “green” Joan of Arc, Greta Thunberg, green extremism is becoming a passe joke.

    Soon, those who once found “climate change” a convenient politically correct method of gaining political acceptance and power, will just as quickly desert the crusade when scrutiny becomes more critical and perceptive.

    As the problems and failures of Wind and solar become more apparent,subsidies stop, and while the extravagant claims, prophesies etc, fail to materialize, the “crusade’ will start to lose momentum and implode.

    By 2025, a new era will have dawned.