GOP Demands Four More Years of National Disgrace and Degradation

The conversation among progressives as I post this, in the middle of the day after the U.S. presidential election, where a Biden victory looks probable but uncertain, goes roughly like this: Looks like Biden squeaked by, but what we’ve learned about 60+ million Americans is even more sickening than it was in 2016.  Here, Trump supporters lived through four full years of racial division, caged children, selling out our troops, pandemic mismanagement, job loss and factory closures, environmental destruction, failing education, enrichment of billionaires, lies, obstruction, and fraud–and, at the end of all that, said, “We demand four more years of this!”

To underscore how disgusting this is, I give you this report:

ATLANTA (AP) — Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene, who expressed racist views and support for QAnon conspiracy theories in a series of online videos, has won a U.S. House seat representing northwest Georgia.

Her candidacy was bolstered by President Donald Trump, who has called her a “future Republican Star.”

Greene has claimed in online videos that Black and Hispanic men are being held back by “gangs and dealing drugs,” alleged an “Islamic invasion” of government offices and accused Jewish billionaire George Soros of collaborating with Nazis.

She has also embraced QAnon, a far-right U.S. conspiracy theory centered around the debunked belief that Trump is fighting a secret campaign against “deep-state” enemies and a child sex trafficking ring of satanic pedophiles and cannibals.

In more recent videos and posts, she has attacked everything from the Black Lives Matter movement to the use of facemasks to protect against the coronavirus.

After some of her comments came to light, Greene was condemned by some future House colleagues within her own party, but many other Republicans including Trump and Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler have embraced her.

“Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent,” Trump tweeted after her primary win. “Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up – a real WINNER!”

At this point, the only criteria one needs to be a “future Republican star” are a feeble grasp of reality, and denial of science, and a horrific set of human values.

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