Bernie Sanders: “Betsy DeVos Worst Education Secretary in U.S. History”

As if this were in doubt? She was put in place specifically to destroy public education, and she put on a stunning performance.

She has promoted the privatization of public schools through vouchers, called for deep cuts to federal funding, rolled back protections for vulnerable children, and shilled for the for-profit college industry that has defrauded countless students.  She supports Trump’s budget proposal to slash funding for the Department of Education by 13.5%, which asks for a collective $9 billion in cuts to education, including after-school programs, career and technical education, and programs to hire and train teachers.

DeVos was in the news recently, as a federal judge put a stop to to her latest scheme to divert taxpayer aid away from public schools and toward private institutions.

Bernie: In your mind, who finished in second place?

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