US Army Generals Say Tucker Carlson ‘Couldn’t Be More Wrong’ on Women in the Military After He Claimed Biden Was Making It ‘More Feminine’

Let’s give credit where it’s due: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has no reservation about making the most outrageous and indefensible comments in his nightly presentation of his version of the news.

In his endless quest to paint the worst possible picture of Joe Biden, Carlson told his adoring audience that the U.S. President is trying to make the military “more feminine,” and is “making a mockery of the U.S. military,” to the wrath of the 198,432 active duty women (14.4% of the 1,417,370 total) and, especially, to the generals who operate the armed forces.

These Fox News people live in an alternative universe, one known, famously, for its “alternative facts.” As always, their existence is a function of a basic truth of human civilization: if there is a demand for something, good, bad, or indifferent, a market will arise to supply it.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a cure for a dread disease, pretzels, or heroin.

As long as there are people who couldn’t care less about the truth as long as it slams Democrats, there will be the Tucker Carlsons, Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs and Alex Joneses of our sad world.

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