Common Sense Gun Laws: The U.S. vs. Japan

Re: the meme here, as reader notes: Please explain the cultural differences between the U.S. and Japan. Or perhaps run the numbers per capita for the other countries? While this lovely poster is powerful it’s comparing apples to oranges to pineapples!

It’s true that this would be more meaningful if the killings were presented on a per capita basis, but what’s happening in America is still disgusting.  The U.S. population is about 2.5 times that of Japan, not 4000. Btw, the poster is wrong: these figures include weapons of war as well as handguns.  You can’t wipe out an entire movie theater with a handgun. 

Apart from that, I’m not sure I’m following you.  Of course there are huge cultural differences between the U.S. and Japan; that’s the point.  First, while Japanese have the right to own guns, comprehensive background checks are conducted, and those who pass receive extensive gun safety training after a waiting period is observed.  Applying common sense to minimize senseless slaughter is part of their culture.

Another aspect of Japanese culture is that they tend to be respectful of the feelings of those around them  They don’t walk through grocery stores with AR-15s, so as to scare the crap out of everyone from the adults down to the tiny children in the place.

They also tend to follow rules.  They don’t shoot up school yards and storm their capitol buildings. Ever.

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