The Morons of the Late 20th Century Look VERY Good In Comparison To What We Have Today

Young people and those outside the U.S. might not know that this is Dan Quayle, vice president under Bush 41, and yes, he was a true moron.  I remember very well how terrifying it was to know that he was just a heartbeat away from the presidency. You may want to take a moment and look back on how monumentally unqualified intellectually he was to lead even a boy scout troop.

Now, of course, the threat to the United States that was represent by Quayle is at least an order of magnitude greater.  In the years 1988 – 1992, no one could have possibly imagined that, a mere 25 years later, we’d elect a criminal conman who would take us to the very brink of authoritarianism.


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