Some of the Weeds that Trump Has Nurtured May Soon Be Withering

Trump has been catastrophic for the well-being of our country, and for the world as a whole. That’s because supporting dictators further drives down the billions of people living under their oppressive regimes.

Yet this could be over fairly soon.  What if it’s proved that Trump helped plan the insurrection and is convicted of treason?  Well, a number of things:

• His role in politics will be over. Though some people will maintain he was railroaded, most will realize that they had supported a criminal of the worst order.

• This country’s integrity will be at least partially restored, as it will show that rule of law still applies.

• The Republican party as a whole will take a significant hit, and the Democrats who come to power as a result are likely to enact climate policies and other legislation designed to help the common person.

• A great deal of the racial hatred that has been planted and nourished over the past five years will begin to wilt.

This may sound like wishful thinking, but it’s a real possibility.

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