The 2020 Election Either Was or Was Not Stolen

From this: Election not stolen: Arizona election officials debunk claims in state review of Trump’s 2020 loss

In a report, entitled Correcting the Record: Maricopa County’s In-Depth Analysis of the Senate Inquiry, which was released Wednesday on the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot attack, the largest county government in Arizona, Maricopa County, confirmed that the 2020 election was not impacted by fraud.
The 93-page report was released by Maricopa County Elections Department. In it, the department criticized an audit commissioned by the state’s GOP-led Senate, writing that it contained “faulty analysis” and “inaccurate claims.” It noted that at least 22 claims were misleading, 42 were inaccurate, and 13 were false.

As Aristotle told us in his “law of the excluded middle,” for every proposition, either the proposition or its negation is true.  E.g., it’s either raining or it’s not.

This is why the Big Lie cannot persist through time.  There is not an inexhaustible supply of evidence surrounding the election.  Every time a report like the one discussed above is released, Trump supporters find themselves standing on an island that is constantly shrinking.

Eventually, poof.

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