How Close Is Georgia To Indicting Trump?

Neal Katyal tells Lawrence O’Donnell that it’s “serious” that Donald Trump’s attorneys have met in person with prosecutors in the Fulton County District Attorney’s office investigating if Trump criminally violated Georgia election law: “It’s good to see Georgia doing what the United States Justice Department should have been doing for the last year.”

If  Trump criminally violated Georgia election law?  Obviously Trump broke the law.  Browbeating and threatening Georgia’s secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to “find him 11,780 votes” is clearly itself a crime, the precise array of potential charges of which are shown at left.

The question is what’s going to happen here.  Perhaps it’s a question of timing.  As former top federal prosecutor Glenn Kirshner has suggested, “No one wants to be the first (to indict Trump on one or more felonies), but everyone wants to be second.”

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