The Cause of Poverty in Red States

The answer goes like this:

Republicans are actually two groups of people: the amoral rich (~20%) and the poorly educated working class (~80%). 

The latter, and much larger segment is actually falling further and further behind, as wages are stagnant and almost all new wealth is going to the top few percent–a persistent trend over the last 40 years.  They simply don’t generate enough affluence to stay afloat in these tough times.

The saddest part of this whole situation is that they don’t seem to realize that it’s the Republicans whose policies re: labor, banking, election finance, and the economy as a whole are making it increasingly difficult for them.

They’re easily distracted by GOP messaging that is aimed at keeping them in the fold: immigrants are taking your jobs, Biden is coming for your guns, Democrats are socialists, Trump won the election, etc.

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