About Craig Shields
Craig’s Life Story in 73 Words
Physics major as undergrad (see resume’ summary)
Twenty-five years’ experience consulting to Fortune 500 tech companies, including IBM, H-P, 3Com, AT&T, 3M, FedEx, Philips Electronics, Microsoft, and Mitsubishi.
Twelve years’ experience applying these business skills to clients in renewable energy and other arenas within cleantech, during which he’s authored four books. His 9700+ blog posts on the subject can be found here.
Craig is uniquely positioned to offer strategic business direction to a wide range of cleantech enterprises.
Craig’s Books:
Renewable Energy – Facts and Fantasies (2010)
Is Renewable Really Doable? (2012)
Renewable Energy – Following the Money (2013)
Bullish On Renewable Energy: Fourteen Reasons that Clean Energy Investors Can’t Lose (2015)